Bollywood's highest paid movie actor who was also the highest paid on television till recently has faced competition in both these slots. And who else to wake up to the challenge than another famous entertainer in Bollywood. Akshay Kumar is reportedly given 1 crore per episode for the Indian version of fear factor called Khatron Ke Khiladi which will premiere on Viacom 18's upcoming channel which goes by the name of Colors. Only women wil feature in his show and the name list reads the likes of Yana Gupta, Pooja Bedi, Dipannita Sharma, Meghna Naidu et al.
Now coming to the competitor. Well who else can be expected than the still charming Salman Khan. Latest Buzz says he was offered a role in a T-series production which signed him for 50 crore thus overtaking Akhsay as the highest paid actor. And as far as the TV slot is considered, Salman is already moving into the people's drawing rooms through his serial Dus Ka Dum which premiered on June 6. he reportedly asked for a salar of 1.5 crore and trust him to get it. So there goes Akshay's crown. Now when he enters the scene DKD would already have finished a few episodes and established itself. So it will be a treat to watch them fight over on the small screen.
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